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EQ 360

Leadership EQ 360 Report

The most comprehensive way of examining a leader’s Emotional Intelligence!

The Leadership EQ 360 Report combines the features of the EQ 360 and EQ-i 2.0 Leadership reports. It provides an in-depth look at EI strengths and weaknesses as they pertain to leadership and offers a full 360-degree perspective on your client’s EI profile. It compares your client’s own view of himself/herself with the observations of others.

EQ 360 

While the EQ-i® identifies the level of a client’s emotional and social functioning based on his or her responses, the EQ-360® assessment provides a more in-depth analysis by having those who work closely with the client provide information as well. When observer ratings are compared with the results of a standard EQ-i self-report, a more complete 360-degree profile emerges.


The EQ-360 is ideal for use in organizations where developing effective communication between individuals, teams, and the entire organization is crucial to success. The EQ-360 identifies key employee strengths that can be leveraged to the benefit of the organization, as well as impediments to high performance that could be improved. The assessment process can also be used as a follow-up to formal coaching and to measure progress.






















Profile Gap Analysis 

The figure on this page provides you with a general overview of the level of agreement between how you see yourself and how others see you.

  • The horizontal axis shows you how much agreement there is between your self-scores and the ratings from your raters. Subscales appearing to the far right indicate consensus – you see yourself demonstrating these behaviours much in the same way as do those around you.

  • The vertical axis shows your self-ratings. Higher scoring subscales will appear towards the top of the graph and lower scoring subscales at the bottom.

  • Subscales that overlap with one another indicate a consistent experience of those particular Ei behaviours.











EQ 360 Leadership 

The Leadership EQ 360 offers the single, most comprehensive view of an individual’s EI results through four key dimensions of leadership. The report helps you to view your client’s scores through a leadership lens, as well as understand how others see your client as a leader.



EQ360 report features: 
Executive Summary:  Showcases the client’s three highest and three lowest scoring subscales by quickly pinpointing areas where the client excels (to help fuel organizational and personal performance) and areas in need of development (to harness the client’s leadership ability). The summary will also specify where each score falls in relation to the Leadership Bar (if this feature is turned on), and the level of agreement between the individual’s scores and the scores provided by his/her raters.

Leadership Potential Sections:  Examines the client’s subscale scores based on ratings in the context of four key leadership dimensions (Authenticity, Coaching, Insight, and Innovation) with the new "Rater-based Leadership Potential" section. 

Leadership Bar:  Highlights how the client’s scores compare to top leaders with a yellow leadership bar that appears above other bar graphs.  The client can focus development efforts in areas in which he/she scored lower than other successful leaders to maximize leadership capability.

Profile Gap Analysis:   Provides a general overview of the level of agreement between your client and his/her raters by outlining areas where your client has a healthy level of awareness (a high level of agreement between the client and rater ratings), and those in which an awareness gap exists (a low level of agreement between the client and rater ratings). These awareness gaps may consist of areas in which your client actually excels (but does not use to his/her full potential due to a lack of awareness), or they may be areas requiring improvement.

The EQ360 assessment tool:

  • Assess the #1 predictor of professional and personal success: Emotional Intelligence, using the most valid and reliable EQ tool on the market (independently rated as such by

  • Quantify emotional intelligence for your leaders

  • Identify leadership strengths and areas for development

  • Provide a baseline of skills for powerful, ongoing performance management

  • Identify star performers and high potentials to build and sustain your leadership pipeline

  • Improve performance by building your leadership development action plans

  • Influence company culture→ increase employee motivation→ improve the bottom line

  • Make more informed decisions about your employees and hiring candidates

  • Have the necessary knowledge and tools to build a business case for developing emotional

  • Intelligence in the workplaceIncrease your effectiveness in coaching, leadership development, selection, team building, and much, much more.

Assessment tools

EQ360 Practitioner
EQ-i Practitioner
MBTI Practitioner
Clarity4D Practitioner
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